In dieser Veranstaltung wird es um Abenteuerspielplätze gehen und Hans-Jörg Lange aus dem Bündnis "Recht auf Spiel" ist als Redner vertreten.
Our next webinar in the "Road to Glasgow" member webinar series. In this webinar we will travel 5711 miles ( 9191 km) and feature presentations from Hong Kong to Stuttgart in Germany! (Hopefully we may even have a surprise stopover!) This webinar explores initiatives in adventure playgrounds.. join us as we explore different approaches to supporting children's right to play across the world! Min Sham Playright Hong Kong will, introduce us to their 1/2 Playground, which is based on Adventure Playgrounds. We will then head over to Germany to explore the concept of pedagogically supervised playgrounds. Hans-Joerg Lange, CEO of Bund der Jugendfarmen und Aktivspielplätze e.V. will share how German City Farms and Activity Playgrounds, implement their pedagogical practice to support play.
Hier geht es zur Anmeldung.